Posts Tagged ‘sports radio’

Jim Healy

August 16, 2010

Here’s a lost transmission from more recent decades.  I know most of my posts pertain to the 1950’s or some other such decade, but let’s face it – I grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s.  One broadcast I miss desperately is from legendary L.A. sports news guy Jim Healy.  Jim’s show came on daily on AM station KLAC and later on KMPC throughout the 1980’s.

He highlighted the most outrageous, stupid, funny, and ridiculous sports news stories of the day and gave them a pseudo-serious, deeply sarcastic treatment.

What made his show so unique was his collection of sound bytes and effects, which dotted each of his news clips, sports stories and personal commentary with added hilarity.  His ticking teleprinter sound effect gave the impression he was reading headlines, while most every story ended with a trademark guffaw by California Angels Manager Norm Sherry –  normsherrylaugh.

I not much of a sports fan, but I have never hear another radio show quite like Jim Healy’s.  When it came on, I had to listen.  It had an old-time comedic quality to it and featured pop cultural references like Lawrence Welk and Howard Cosell.

I found a great website with all Jim’s old sound bytes as well as excerpts from a few shows.  Check it out here: Jim Healy Tribute Page.

I miss hearing this on the drive home from work in the afternoon.  The Jim Healy Show is truly a lost transmission.